About Us

We help children engage their bodies and minds through fun and educational activities.





Experts in Childcare

For 15 years, Kiddisafe has celebrated every child’s uniqueness and individuality. Through our key person system, parents are rest assured that their child’s needs and development are cared for. Every Early Years practitioner at Kiddisafe has their own small group of key children that they see through, from their first day at nursery until they leave for school.

Our expert care led by the leading UK Government guidelines:

Kiddisafe Community

Community is an important word to us here at Kiddisafe. We provide a homely environment for all that walk through our doors. Children love their teachers, parents are relaxed knowing that their flexible needs are met and the team love what they do.  In other words, we are a loving, happy atmosphere that children best grow and develop in.


Ready for School

Whether funded or fee-paying, children feel happy and safe exploring their own interests and leading their own learning. We measure progress through careful and meaningful observations. Your key person knows all there is to know about little one’s development and uses the EYFS framework as a guide for choosing their individual next steps, so we can share their achievements with you through our online learning journal. As a result, your child can effortlessly advance and succeed in school with a seamless transition.


Early Learning Goals

Every child’s development is assessed using the Early Years Learning Goals:

With this in mind, we meet each goal accordingly through a mix of child-led and teacher-led activities and sessions.

Combined with Our Commitment to You, your child is supported to achieve in nursery and beyond.
